In this lesson

In this lesson, we will uncover a fascinating aspect of facial perception that significantly impacts how we assess and understand facial asymmetry.

Due to left visual hemi-field bias, we often overlook the left side of the face, leading to an incomplete assessment of facial features. As a result, we fail to make proper comparisons between the two sides of the face, causing us to miss many asymmetrical features.

This oversight helps explain why certain patterns of facial asymmetry, including multi-axes facial rotation, have not been widely recognized or understood. By not naturally focusing on both sides of a person's face, we miss the subtle rotations and asymmetries that can significantly impact facial aesthetics.

In this lesson, we will delve into the implications of the left visual hemi-field bias and how it affects our perception of facial symmetry and balance. We will also explore strategies to train our eyes to assess both sides of the face more effectively, ensuring a more comprehensive and accurate evaluation.

Let's explore what we've been missing and learn how to see faces in a new and more insightful way.